Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Blog Tour: Non Friction by Morgan Parker

After 12 years, 4 months and 1 and 1/2 weeks of marriage, his wife packs up and leaves with their daughter. So he writes an Indie novel. And it becomes a bestseller. Well, sort of.

His fame brings him the lifestyle of a rockstar, and he has the fan mail (i.e. female undergarments, probably clean) to prove it.

But seeing his fame, his wife suddenly believes in marriage counseling. Their homework: to create something beautiful for each other.

So he writes Our Story, his literary secret-weapon that will win his wife back. But in the process he discovers that true love is more than just ticking the right boxes on a checklist, it starts with.....well.....}i{

What a great story! I must say first off, I was stuck in this book from the start. It has been a long time since I have been into a book the way that I was with Non Friction. I started reading Non friction one night with the thought that I would read just a few chapters before going to bed. Instead, I stayed up through the night and only stopped reading when it was time to take my kids to school. I finished the book shortly after returning.

Non Friction was written in such a way that I felt like I was watching a movie. Have you ever had to stop watching a movie mid way through? When it's a movie your really in to, its hard to stop for even a few minute break. I felt like that when I read Non Friction. I needed to know how the story ended before I could step away. 

Non Friction is a refreshing change to the general idea of a romance novel. The basic idea, two people meet, fall in love, and have obstacles to overcome before they can be together. But always in the end, they are finally together and life is just perfect. The problem with that idea of romance is that its not real. Fantasy can be fun, and yes we want characters we connect with to be happy, but reality just isn't that way. Non Friction gives you the comedy of a new novelist struggling with divorce and you experience him fall in love without even realizing it. The reader can see plainly what the main character doesn't, and as frustrating is that can be at times, it's pretty dang close to the way that it would happen in real life.

This wasn't a story that fits nicely into any format expected of a novel, and I think that is one of the reasons I loved it so much. Life is a series of events that lead us down one path or another, and we don't always do what's expected of us. Non Friction sticks to the idea of 'non structure' in such a way that it's relatable to anyone who lives in the real world. Anyone who has had a bad relationship, suffered divorce, struggled to hang on to something they no longer love but have become comfortable with. This is a story that breaks the mold and exposes a reality that most authors stay away from.

I give Non Friction 5 out of 5 stars!

Morgan Parker is the pen name for a shy and introverted banker. He currently divides his time between Toronto, Canada and his imagination. When he isn’t writing or working with clients or relaxing at Balzac’s with a medium non-fat cappuccino, Morgan Parker enjoys spending time with his family. And sleeping, preferably on a bed (the left side) but depending on the day, he can pretty much curl up anywhere. No, he is not currently accepting applications for cuddling partners. 

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Morgan Parker - Author Interview

What inspired you to write Non Friction?

I wasn't really planning on writing Non Friction. It just happened, a potpourri of scenes and ideas that floated to the surface.

It's funny how that happens sometimes. In a way, it makes it easier for the creativity to shine through.

Which character in your book (Non Friction) would you say you are most like? If any.

I have Morgan's immaturity and share some of his beliefs about love. I also have a daughter who makes me smile and love life. 

Cute answer! Morgan's immaturity certainly had me laughing. In some ways, his beliefs about love made a lot of sense, but they were also a bit cynical. Nonetheless, his idea make you think. 

What inspired you to become a writer?

Boredom. Yes, definitely boredom. When I was younger, I wanted a way to remember the stories and characters in my head and because I have a bad memory (and I didn't have enough money for a voice recorder), the writing was a natural fit.

Ha ha, I can relate to that. For me though, I think it was more a matter of getting them out of my head. 

What are you most excited about the most for readers to experience/learn from your newest book Non Friction?

I believe Non Friction is a love story. I don't think it's an easy or clear one, but it's still there. I also think the lighthearted nature of the story will let readers know that I'm approachable as a writer. So I'm ultimately excited to meet new readers who would otherwise avoid my Textual Encounters stories.

Interesting. The love story was definitely different that what's expected in romance, but I think that's what made it refreshing. It was much more realistic, which makes it much more relatable.

Were you scared when you first published? Did you feel exposed or vulnerable?

Yes, I was extremely apprehensive about publishing Non Friction - I was both exposed and vulnerable. I was unsure about the humor, I was afraid that the love story would not resonate with readers, I knew the story wasn't quite perfect... Oh, I have a grocery list of insecurities about Non Friction... the positive feedback so far has been extremely surprising for me.

Yes! Morgan's fear to press that publish button really hit home for me too. I felt that you must have felt some of that too when publishing Non Friction, or any book for that matter. It's very scary to put yourself out there like that.

Do you have ideas for dream cast members for Non Friction?

AnnMarie! I am horrible at this! Someone recently suggested Ashton Kutcher for Morgan, which makes sense to me (I originally would have cast Will Ferrell because he makes me laugh and I swear I heard his voice while writing the story). I'd go with the whore from Game of Thrones for Emma because she is beautiful (to me, anyway). And I'm not sure about Jennifer, but it would need to be someone who is very bitchy.

Ha ha, nice! I think I could see Morgan played by either, but based on Morgan's age, Ashton may fit a little better. For Emma, I could see Ros (Esmé Bianco) or Shae (Sibel Kekilli) who were both whores in Game of Thrones, but Esmé fits the vision in my head better. For Jennifer, Sarah Michelle Gellar or Rachel McAdams can be the girl next door or a complete nightmare, which would be a perfect fit.

What do you do on your down time? What do you do to relax?

I love spending time with my kids. And eating. If we can spend time together and sit at a buffet, even better. Or a dessert buffet would be best!

Nice! Kids are the best, but food can definitely make them better.

What do you love most about being a writer?

I love creating worlds and getting feedback for what I've written, both good and bad. It's interesting to see how my stories are interpreted - the positive feedback reinforces that I can write and the negative feedback always reminds me that everyone takes away something different from the stories. It's an amazing process.

That's a great outlook to have as a writer. I cringe at the thought of a negative review, but I know that you can't please everyone either.

What do you hate most about being a writer?

The pay! And deadlines. 

Ha, ditto! Deadlines add a level of pressure that just lets procrastination sneak in. For me and my ADHD anyway.

What authors have inspired you?

Traditionally published authors who inspire me are Colin Harrison and Dennis Lehane. Their storytelling has pushed me to think differently about life and this idea of right and wrong in the world. 

Great authors! Shutter Island especially. I have a love/hate relationship with psychological thrillers. (Psych Major)

When you get stuck in a story, how do you get through it?

I bug people. A lot. When I'm not restricted by deadlines, I'd like to smoke a cigar and drink single malt, maybe feel a little numb (good thing "getting stuck" doesn't happen often). And bookstores help too. I'm a visual person, so sometimes a good movie will inspire me. 

Great ideas! (Except the cigar, and substitute single malt for wine) I'm a visual person too, but I never thought of it that way. I thought I was watching TV or a movie to get my mind off of my writing for a while, but it makes sense that the visual storytelling would also contribute to inspiration. 

Do you listen to music when you write?

Most of the time, yes! 

It's a must for me too! I do find it helps me keep my rhythm going. Also, dead silence is just not something my mind can take.

Can you write anywhere? Or do you need a specific place to write?

I'm a writing whore - I can write anywhere. For me, the most writing I get done is in the most awkward of places. 

I've only tried the one spot, I haven't tried leaving my comfort zone. Yet. 

Do you have advice for aspiring authors?

Think like a 4-year old. Don't be afraid of taking chances and standing out. 

That's great!

What was the worst advice you were given in the beginning of your writing career?

Stop. Really, that was the worst advice ever. Even if I were horrible, the world needs horrible writers so the really good ones can stand out.

What? That's just awful. I am thinking this person may have been the inspiration for a certain character in your book? (*wink*)

What was the best advice you were given in the beginning of your writing career?

Why? If you stop asking why, you stop writing... 

That is so true! Thank you Morgan for participating in this interview! Good luck, and I hope to see you around again sometime. On the web, or at an author event! 

We are having a Scavenger Hunt during the blog tour. It's US Only!

Make sure you stop by each blog's stop and check out the fun facts about Morgan Parker they will be sharing. Some of the facts have clue's to the message from Morgan Barker (Character of Non Friction) You must find the ones with Yellow writing and put them together to make the message. Once you have the message send it to 

First person to get the message wins a Signed Paperback of Non Friction by Morgan Parker! 

Schedule to Follow: Verna's Book Tour Schedule
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